History Is All You Left Me

History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"I have one last question for you: I didn't get our history wrong, did I?


Oh my god, this book was just amazing. It blew away my heart into pieces bit by bit. I have never read a book like this that could be both fun and so emotional at the same time. There is so much that happens in our life. I feel like each one of us has our unique own stories based on the way we perceive certain situation even when we don't realize it. There are times when we love someone with the full loyalty that is not reciprocated the way we want. Sometimes, we are so blindsided that we want safety by living in a lie, a small vulnerable bubble.

In the book, Griff breaks up with Theo, so that Theo does not have to feel obliged to Griff, in case, he finds someone else. I think Theo is somewhat selfish although I like him, of course. It seems that both Griff and Jackson are naive in some ways by fully devoting themselves to Theo. However, love can do weird things to people.

I loved how things played out between Wade and Griff at the end. However, the story is still sad. That is weirdly what makes me love it more though. Life is not perfect. It is not ideal. It is not the way we want it to be. It is both happy and sad.

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