Love & Luck

Love & Luck by Jenna Evans Welch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Do you know what I love about humans, pet? Its our dogged stupidity. When it comes to love we never learn. Ever. Even when we know the risks."

So, I don't know about you, but I learned this simple fact:
Irish four leaf clover= Faith+Luck+Love+Hope
mostly love though...

Last year, I read Love & Gelato by Welch. I really enjoyed journeying with Lina through the imaginary streets of Italy I created while reading the book. So, when I picked up Love & Luck, I thought that it would be similar to Lina's story, in a way. I was kind of surprised and happy that it was just another unique story. I mean tell me: where will you find a book which will act as your Lady guide while helping you mend your heart? Or, in this case, tear your heart apart to start a new chapter...

As you might know from the synopsis, Addie is visiting Ireland for aunt's third wedding? After the wedding, she is supposed to visit Italy with her brother, Ian. However, Ian has some other plans. I mean its no fun when things go as planned, right? Plus, Ian and Addie are not exactly in terms with each other because of Addie's past relationship with not so right guy. Enters Rowan, Ian's friend. Three of them go on a journey, which becomes life-changing, with there own bag of secrets.
I am happy to say that romance was not a big part of the story. It is quite subtle. Also, Lady guide with her crazy task is just amazing! Now, I just feel like catching the next flight to the Cliffs of Moher because Lady guide says Dublin should be the last stop...

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