13 Little Blue Envelopes

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Some people believe that they are guided by the forces, that the universe cuts paths for them through the dense forest of life, showing them where to go."

My first reaction:

Oh no! What did you do? Ginny Blackstone, you lost the last letter. Why didn't you just read it when you had the chance!

If I were to write the 13th letter it would go like this:

Dear Ms. Johnson,

I don't know why it took me a second try to read this book. I should have read it a long time ago. It was an amazing journey through and through if I must tell you. Your book affirmed that sometimes some madness is needed to reach higher up in life. I guess we all are mad here. At least that's what the Mad Hatter said. Some more than others like Aunt Peg, for one.

We all hope to have someone like Aunt Peg in our lives. Some do, I suppose, even though they don't realize that. Just think about the person that inspires you and makes you laugh. Anyways, when I began the book, I was sure that Ginny was going to go to places, but I didn't know what was going to happen. Aunt Peg acts as a guide through her letters. Even though she is not alive, she changes lives. On the way, Ginny meets a variety of people. Some just stick around while others are simply transient. All of them teach Ginny something, however. That is the whole point in my opinion.

It took me a while to get into the book. It was worth it, though. I feel like taking the next flight to Europe right now.


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