In a Perfect World

In a Perfect World by Trish Doller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Is that all we'll ever be to each other? Memories?"

I was supposed to read this book a long time ago, but I rain checked several times. Yeah, my bad... The book is really serious through and through. The religion of Islam is at play it. I feel like it was quite realistic. I have seen people just assume wrong about the religion and the people related to it. They believe that since one person with the religion is bad means the whole community is the same. It is wrong, though. It is called stereotyping. Which leads to prejudice. Which leads to discrimination. What if this cycle was repeated with you. What if someone criticized you without any reason? Would you still hold the same view of the world then?

The book is a love story. However, it is also a story about growing up. It is also about keeping an open mind and learn about a different culture while keeping ethnocentrism in some dark place. People are different. Thoughts are different. Practices are different. So what? You need to deal with it. You need to grow and make sacrifices for the better. Sometimes that's when the good in life comes...

This is what Caroline and Adam are going through. They are different in many ways, but that is what brings them together.

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