Review: What to Say Next

What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“We are all strangers to each other in the end.”

I read this book a while ago and just decided to write a review since this book has remained stuck in my brain for so long. Firstly, you should know that Buxbaum's books are sometimes simply emotional. There is no getting away with it. Exploring the foundation of love when everything else in life is wrong is her specialty. Like her other book, 'Tell me Three Things', this book also starts with death. As the plot progresses, we learn about the characters themselves: Kit and David. David has Asperger's syndrome, and he is a physics nerd. His quirky scientific thoughts are just amazing. It is obvious that he would have a hard time making friends, though, due to the anxiety that comes with his situation. However, one day, Kit just sits on his table with him for lunch, and everything just changes.

Overall, it was an emotional, but quick read. I would definitely recommend the novel to everyone for I think that this novel is the best in Buxbaum collection...

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